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Decoding the Chinese dream

Bilateral relations are the top priority for President Xi Jinping during his European trip, but it is also a rare opportunity for European leaders to understand his thoughts on the Chinese dream, says a top academic from Belgium.

'Diversity drives progress'

President Xi Jinping quoted extensively Victor Hugo, Napoleon Bonaparte and Chinese historian Zuo Qiuming in giving his views on civilization during a major speech on Thursday.

Special friends, win-win partners

President Xi Jinping articulates comprehensive Sino-French partnership on 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties

Revolutionary energy transition needed

With the world's largest population and the second-largest, and still-growing economy, China's energy development roadmap is a global concern. China accounts for almost half the world's annual coal consumption, so an energy development roadmap that reduces China's coal consumption is critical to keeping the average global temperature rise below two degrees Celsius, as enshrined in the Copenhagen Accord.

Potential of the Chinese Dream

Early in November 2012, Chinese leader Xi Jinping articulated a vision for the nation's future that he called the Chinese Dream. The Chinese Dream integrates national and personal aspirations, with the twin goals of reclaiming national pride and achieving personal well-being. It requires sustained economic growth, expanded equality and an infusion of cultural values to balance materialism.

Chinese attire and cultural identity

While they may be divided upon what the "Chinese dream" exactly means, Chinese people would agree the "renewal of the Chinese nation" is an essential part of such an aspiration.

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