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Elder hutong residents of Beijing

Hutong is one of the many labels associated with old Beijing.

Esteemed teachers challenged by taints

We extend our heartfelt greetings and our respect to those teachers who are devoted to passing on their knowledge to the younger generations and instilling good virtues in them.

Beijing holds financial literacy lectures for the elderly

A public welfare activity offering financial literacy lectures for the elderly was carried out in Beijing on Sep 8.

TCM healthcare service to start

A healthcare service based on traditional Chinese medicine will soon be established, according to the nation's top TCM authority.

Illicit online drug sales targeted

China's Internet and drug authorities recently gathered operators of major portals, search engines and shopping sites to order them to eliminate illicit drug advertisements from their sites

Summer for migrant children

Stories of boredom are common among rural children spending their summer vacations with parents in cities nationwide.

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