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Opening up on autism

It was an occasion to be blue, as the sixth World Autism Awareness Day fell on April 2.

Private, public hospitals co-op to fight cancer

The Beijing United Family New Hope Oncology Center signed a contract with the Beijing Cancer Hospital on Monday to serve more patients who need private care to treat and prevent cancer.

Nursing homes to cover Beijing's elderly population

More than 10,000 beds will be added to nursing homes to support the aging city of Beijing, according to the municipal civil affairs bureau on Tuesday.

Modern medical vision at Jia Yue Eye Surgery Centre

When the door opens, customers enter a lounge and are led through a soft-colored corridor with light music wafting around their ears.

Crackdown begins on illegal reproductive clinics

The Beijing Health Bureau raided a clinic illegally offering assisted reproductive services in Dongcheng district on Monday.

'Smog readings nothing to be concerned about'

Research showing high levels of nitrogen-containing compounds in Beijing's smog should not set off alarm bells, the Environmental Protection Bureau said.

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