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Literary activities

The public diplomacy research center of Beijing Foreign Studies University will invite eight to 10 top Chinese and French writers, artists and columnists this year to participate in activities on Sino-French cultures held in the Xishan Mountain area.

A friendship-themed musical drama

The musical drama directed by Beijing Foreign Studies University and a local cultural company will make reference to the relics and events serving as symbols of cultural exchanges between China and France.

Documentary: Villa of Bussiere

In Beijing, the Villa of Bussiere was the center for much French social and community life nearly 100 years ago.

Sino-French cultural relics exhibition

The project will focus on the renovation of the Villa of Bussiere, located in the district's Xishan Mountain area.

Sino-French relations

Beijing Xishan Mountain area in Haidian district shares a deep history with France, where there are many related historical relics.

Historic Sino-French relations at Haidian

Beijing Xishan Mountain area in Haidian district shares a deep history with France, where there are many related historical relics, such as the Villa of Bussiere and a hot spring sanatorium as well as stories that demonstrate the friendship between the two countries.

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