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Exploring Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian

Zhoukoudian is a famous prehistoric site containing ancient human and animal fossils, and unearthed cultural relics of great value.

He Lijuan: Serving the people heart and soul

He Lijuan, party secretary of Gubeikou village in Beijing's suburban Miyun county since 2010, always sets the improvement in villagers' lives as her first priority at work.

A French Doctor in Beijing

Two exhibitions marking the 50th anniversary of the Sino-French relationship kicked off at the Association des Amis de Nouvelles d'Europe in the French capital, Paris, on Sept 8.

50 years of friendship

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic relations. On Jan 27, 1964, China and France announced they were establishing diplomatic ties.

Viticulture history of Yanqing

The viticulture history of Yanqing county can be traced back more than 300 years to the reign of Emperor Kangxi. Since 1979, the Yanqing grape industry has made great progress; and to date, the planted area in the county has reached nearly 1,333 hectares.

Yanqing International Grape Conference

The 11th International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics kicked off at the foot of the Great Wall in Beijing's Yanqing county on July 29, and will last until Aug 2.

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