HAVANA - Cuba's state-owned Telecommunications Company SC (Etecsa) has concluded talks with the US IDT Domestic Telecom, INC. (IDT) over the signing of a Service Agreement for the Operation of International Telecommunications, which will allow direct interconnection between the two countries, the Cuban enterprise said on Friday.
No details of the talks between Etecsa and IDT, or the content of the agreement to be signed, are available. There is a statement posted at Etecsa's website featuring the talks between the two companies.
"The restoration of direct communications between the US and Cuba will allow greater facilities and quality in the communications between the people of both nations," said the Cuban company in the statement, indicating that now relevant approvals are expected from the US authorities to implement the agreement.
On Thursday, officials from Etecsa recognized the need to implement pricing policies to make connectivity services more accessible.
The firm said it plans to open another 136 cybercafes across the country in the first quarter of 2015 while slashing the price of internet service by half until April 10 as part of a promotional campaign.
The US-Cuba telecommunications cooperation is in line with the rapprochement between the two nations.
Washington approved in January a plan to provide the island with some telecommunications services as part of its new policy towards Havana, as it is particularly eager to not only influence Cuba through communications and media, but also to do business with the island nation.
It is also stands consistent with the trend of Cuba's computerization process.