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National Ballet of Cuba brought audiences in Changsha a visual feast

2015-01-23 14:19:42 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The classical Swan Lake ballet performance, by the National Ballet of Cuba, brought audiences in Changsha, Hunan province a visual feast in Hunan Grand Theatre on Jan 20.

The National Ballet of Cuba was established in 1948 in Havana, by the famous ballet actress Alicia Alonso. Now the world tour version of Swan Lake was directed by Laura Alonso, the daughter of Alicia. It is the National Ballet of Cuba's sixth visit to China, raising a hot wave of Cuba Ballet everywhere.

The Swan Lake on Tuesday night reduced the complicated and luxury scene but added with it the compactness of plot and contemporary element, fully displaying the vitality and glory of ballet, local news portal Changsha Evening News commented.

The famous black swan did 32 single site rotations, or the so called "Waving Whip Turns", at a breath, during one of the most appealing scenes. The light movements, tough endurance and perfect skills won warm applause from all the audiences.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Cuba ballet Swan Lake
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