DPRK denounces anti-DPRK broadcasting of ROK

Updated: 2011-10-14 22:14


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PYONGYANG - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday accused the Republic of Korea (ROK) of launching anti-DPRK broadcasts "justifying anti-DPRK confrontation policy," the official news agency KCNA reported.

The DPRK charged that the "Unification Broadcasting" launched by the ROK's Ministry of Unification is intended to "stoke hostility toward fellow countrymen and escalate confrontation of systems," according to information bulletin No 984 released by the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea on Friday.

It is "an open insult to the nation's desire for reunification and another grave provocation to the DPRK", said the bulletin, urging the ROK ministry to immediately stop the anti-DPRK broadcasts.