Quotes from the 66th UN General Assembly
Updated: 2011-09-28 06:35
UNITED NATIONS - Quotable quotes from the general debate of the 66th UN General Assembly session, which entered its final day here Tuesday:
"Togetherness, or multilateralism of course, does not mean uniformity or conformity. It does not mean falling in line. Instead, it means harmony, tolerance, respect for diversity and a pragmatic cognitive realization that no one system, no single prescription, no one raah, or path works for all."-- Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister of Pakistan
"The DPRK government remains consistent in its stand to secure peace and stability and move toward denuclearization of the Korean peninsula through dialogues and negotiations."--Pak Kil Yon, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of DPRK
"Human rights and democracy are universal values that require our constant attention and protection against any repressive actions. In this respect, the legitimate and peaceful demands for the respect of human rights and liberty of people in North Africa and Middle East are illustrative."--Doru Costea, State Secretary for Global Affairs of Romania.
With the climate conference in Durban only two months away, we must all play our part in making it a success. Implementation of the Cancun agreement is crucial. The Green Climate Fund must be made operational. Durban should provide a roadmap that can bridge the gap between Kyoto and a new and more ambitious climate regime that includes all major emitters."--Espen Barth Eide, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway
"Africa's request for two permanent seats-with all the rights and obligations of current members--and two additional non- permanent seats is a matter of justice and the right to have an equal say in decision-making on issues that concern our Continent. It is also a matter of democracy. Above all, it is about the dignity of a people, the dignity of a Continent."--Lucy Mungoma, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Zambia
Following are quotable quotes from the general debate of the 66th UN General Assembly session, which entered its fifth day here Monday:
"The globalizing world has always presented challenges to Africa and the developing world. But the negative developments over the last few years, which appear to be far from being mitigated, have made it even more difficult for countries such as ours to move ahead on the path to development as fast as we would have liked and our potentials and our commitment would have allowed." -- Hailemariam Desalegne, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Ethiopia.
"Climate change is no doubt becoming a constant threat to our existence with its devastating impact worldwide. Drought and flooding have become more frequent and more severe in many parts of the world affecting millions of people. The current horrific drought in the horn of Africa represents another most painful tragedy caused by global warming. The threat of climate change is a reality and it is a huge challenge for the global community. -- Hor Namhong, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister Cambodia.
"To respond to these multiple and interrelated challenge, we have one constant anchor: the United Nations. No other organization is as well equipped to develop common answers to the big questions of our time. No other organization has the same global impact and legitimacy. With an increasing need for global solutions, the United Nations, which represents almost all the countries on earth, has the political, moral and legal authority to act." -- Eamon Gilmore, deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Ireland.
"Long-standing disputes and pockets of political instability and conflict continue to fester in several parts of the world, resulting in social and economic dislocation and humanitarian crises. If the United Nations is to effectively respond to these situations of conflict, its preventive diplomacy capacity, including its mediation capacity, must be strengthened." -- Kenneth Baugh, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Jamaica.
"Security and political stability remains critical element in advancing socio-economic development of all regions. Therefore, the United Nations should play a more crucial role in maintaining international peace and security by effectively carrying out its duty to address regional conflicts especially over the situation in the Middle East, which has been a pending issue for several decades." -- Thongloun Sisoulith, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister of the Laos.
"Political security lies in the principles of diplomacy among all nations especially respect for each other's traditions, values, beliefs and ways of life. Physical security means the rule of law and economic security is food on the table, a job and the best possible support for health, education and old age." -- Haji Waddaulah, Brunei's crown prince and senior minister at the prime minister's office.
"The UAE (the United Arab Emirates) condemns the continuous evasion of Israel of its international obligations. The UAE condemns in particular Israel's settlement policy in the Palestinian territories, especially in Arab East Jerusalem where it has intentionally been confiscating hundreds of homes from their original Arab owners, and has set an agenda aiming at building thousands of illegal settlement units with the aim of changing its Arab demographic, historical, and holy features." -- Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, minister of foreign affairs of the United Arab Emirates.
"The military intervention in Libya and the growing threat against Syria have been the opportunistic and defensive responses given by the United States and Europe to the collapse of their system of domination and plunder in Northern Africa and the Middle East, the emergence of genuinely popular movements in Tunisia, Egypt and other countries, in order to secure huge reserves of oil and water and confiscate financial assets in times of global economic and social crisis." -- Bruno Parrilla, the foreign minister of Cuba.
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