Bombs kill 4 near mosque in C Iraq

Updated: 2011-08-12 09:39


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BAGHDAD - Four people were killed and 24 others wounded when two roadside bombs exploded near a mosque in Iraq's northern city of Ramadi, a local police source said.

The twin bombs went off near Harun al-Rashid Mosque located in the center of Ramadi as worshippers were leaving the mosque after evening prayer, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

The blasts killed four worshippers and wounded 24 others, among whom several suffered serious injury, the source said.

He also added that the wounded were taken to the city hospital for treatment and the blast scene was sealed off by Iraqi security forces.

Ramadi, some 100 km west of Baghdad, is the capital city of Anbar province. Insurgent attacks are still common in the once volatile Sunni Arab area that stretches through Anbar province to Iraq's western borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

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