Shenzhen ready for Universiade
2011-07-15 10:46
On July 14, the secretary of the Shenzhen municipal party committee, Wang Rong, answered questions from Chinese media at a press conference held at Shenzhen's Wuzhou Hotel.
Smile with UU
2011-07-05 08:55
Zhou Ziqian, the man who spent 400 days biking around China, collected 2,011 photos of people posing with UU, the mascot for the Shenzhen Summer Universiade.
Shenzhen looks forward to Universiade
2011-07-15 10:46
On July 14, the secretary of the Shenzhen municipal party committee, Wang Rong, answered questions from Chinese media at a press conference held at Shenzhen's Wuzhou Hotel.
Shenzhen Universiade Village
2011-07-14 10:26
The Athletes' Village for the 26th Summer Universiade in Shenzhen is conveniently located in the southwest part of the city's central Longgang district. It's on the new campus of the Shenzhen Institute of Information and Technology, with the main venue for the Universiade in the north.
400 days cycling around China
2011-06-30 16:41
Zhou Ziqian, a 28-year-old from Shenzhen, biked nearly 30,000 kilometers over 400 days around China. On the way, he took pictures of 2,011 smiling people holding a UU, the Universiade mascot.
A glimpse of Shenzhen
2011-06-30 15:13
The 26th Summer Universiade – a sports gala for youth around the world – will be held in Shenzhen from Aug 12 to 23. The beautiful city in South China is ready to show the world its vigor and creativity.

Working as a Universiade volunteer

Party starts as Universiade ends

Sumptuous seafood in Shenzhen

Athletes test doping knowledge
About Shenzhen