China / Outlooks

Key planning

( Updated: 2016-06-30 10:54

The development blueprint of Shaanxi province for the 13th Five-Year Plan Period

New starting point

The successful completion of the 12th Five-Year Plan enabled Shaanxi to be a moderately developed province. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the province’s GDP ranked the 15th in the country and made an average annual growth of 11.1%. The per capita GDP reached $7,721, the level of a middle-income country. The province’s financial revenue exceeded 200 billion yuan.

New objective

The main development objective of Shaanxi in the 13th Five-Year Plan period is to have an economic growth higher than the national average based on improvement of quality and profit. By 2020, the province’s GDP will reach 3 trillion yuan, and per capita GDP will excedd $ 10,000. The urban and rural residents’ income will exceed the national average. The exiting rural poverty-stricken population will shake off poverty. All the people will have equal access to the basic public service. People’s living level and quality will be further improved and reach the standard of a moderately prosperous society. The construction of a beautiful, abundant and harmonious Shaanxi will have a higher level.

New concept

The province’s new development concept is: focusing on innovation, coordination, green development, opening-up and fruit sharing; striving on structural reform at the supply side; marking work benchmark with the new concept initiatively; transforming measures and methods to carry forward the realistic work.

New power

The province will carry forward the innovation-driven development strategy, fully release the reform dividends, boost collaborative innovation with system innovation as the core, accelerate the construction of collaborative innovation system, deepen integrated military and civil innovation and encourage mass entrepreneurship and innovation. By 2020, the contribution ratio of scientific progress will be increased to 60 percent, the percentage of R & D and experiment development expenses in the provincial GDP will be 2.6 percent, and the province’s number of China Famous Brands will be greatly improved.

New industries

The province will systematically promote development mode transformation and structural adjustment to forge the industrial upgrading at a higher level. Efforts will be made in strengthening special and competitive industries, such as energy, chemical, nonferrous metallurgy and food processing industries, to drive them toward the high-end development. The “Made in China” 2025 Shaanxi Action Plan will be performed to improve the development energy saving, new energy automobiles, aviation and aerospace. Emerging industries like IT and new material will be nurtured to forge strategic emerging industrial bases in Western China. Modern services including finance and logistics will be accelerated to have a share of 45 percent in provincial GDP by 2020. We also will expand IT economy space to foster new business modes of Internet+manufacturing, energy, agriculture, commerce, logistics and finance and energetically develop Big Data and cloud computing. We will carry forward industrial integration and business innovation to forge ten industrial clusters with value of 100-billion-yuan. Modern agriculture will be energetically developed to drive private economy’s transformation and upgrading.

New layout

The province will realize coordinated development in urban and rural areas; simultaneously boost the development of “material and spiritual civilization”. We’ll stably drive new-type urbanization, forge Guanzhong city cluster and township belts along the Honghe River and Hanjiang River, develop county economy and support the accelerated development in old revolutionary areas. By 2020, the economic aggregate of counties will account for 58 percent of the province’s GDP. We’ll strengthen socialist spiritual civilization and set up modern public cultural service system and cultural industrial system.

New infrastructural support

The province will build railways with length of 3,500km, extend expressways of 1,000km, start the Phase III of Xianyang International Airport. By 2020, the passenger throughout of Xianyang International Airport will exceed 50 million persons. The subway mileage will be around 200km. the Guanzhong Water System will expand water supply capacity of 1.5 billion cubic meters. the electricity outward transmission grid construction will be further intensified to have additional transmission capacity of 18,000MW.

New home

Three action plans for preventing and treating pollution of air, water and soil to build a clean, green and beautiful Shaanxi. The province will strive to build national parks in Qinling Mountains, the Yellow River and the Qiaosha Mountain. By 2020, the province’s forest coverage will exceed 45 percent, and the emission of main pollutants will have an obvious reduction.

New life

The province will increase investment in livelihood improvement, carry out 13-year-long free education, accelerate education, employment, medical service, health, social insurance and other welfare services, create 2.2 million new jobs in urban area, increase urban and rural per capita disposable income to about 30,000 yuan.

New space

The province will nurture new advantages in comprehensive opening-up and competition, forge a new highland for hinterland reform and opening-up, accelerate the construction of Shaanxi Free Trade Pilot Zone, build the key point of the Belt and Road, actively attend the national strategies like the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration and intensify strategic cooperation with Chengdu-Chongqing and other city clusters. By 2020, the province’s economy opening-up degree will be increased to around 15 percent.

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