China / CAEXPO Press Conferences

Grand opening of eighth CAEXPO

( Updated: 2014-09-16 15:56

On the morning of Oct 21, the eighth China-ASEAN Expo opened ceremoniously in Nanning. Present at the event were leaders of governments of China and ASEAN countries such as Wen Jiabao, former premier of China; Najib Abdul Razak, prime minister of Malaysia (the Country of Honor of the eighth CAEXPO); Hun Sen, prime minister of Cambodia; Tin Aung Myint Oo, vice-president of Myanmar; Somsavat, vice-premier of Laos; Kittirat Na-Ranong, deputy prime minister of Thailand; Nguyen Xuan Phuc, deputy prime minister of Vietnam; and Dr Surin Pitsuwan, secretary general of ASEAN secretariat. 

2011 is the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations, the China-ASEAN Year of Friendly Exchanges, and the first anniversary of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA). The eighth CAEXPO to be held against this backdrop is of special and lasting significance. Over 20 years, the cooperation between China and the ASEAN has deepened. Dialogue partnership has been promoted to strategic partnership for both sides. The CAEXPO, which is in its eighth year, has kept innovating, promoting the construction of the CAFTA to yield remarkable achievements. The friendly exchanges between China and the ASEAN have brought win-win outcomes and enormous benefits to the peoples of both sides. It has made great contributions to the peace, stability and prosperity of the region. 

At 9 am, the opening ceremony of the eighth CAEXPO officially started. The Chinese Hibiscus Hall of Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center was decorated with red carpets and red lanterns to create a ceremonious, warm and festive atmosphere. The green background of the decoration implied the theme of the year: green and environmental protection.

Mustafar, minister of international trade and industry of Malaysia (the Country of Honor of the eighth CAEXPO), and Dr Surin Pitsuwan, secretary general of the ASEAN secretariat, co-chaired the opening ceremony. Ma Biao, chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region; Gao Hucheng, vice-minister of commerce of China; and Najib addressed the ceremony. 

Ma Biao said that for eight years the CAEXPO, which is co-sponsored by China and the 10 ASEAN countries, has continued to innovate and yield remarkable achievements, providing a good platform for friendly exchanges and economic and trade cooperation. The CAEXPO has become the driving force behind the construction of the CAFTA and the symbol of friendly cooperation between China and the ASEAN. Five years ago, the Commemorative Summit Marking the 15th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations was held in Nanning along with the CAEXPO. Today, as one of the important parts of the memorial activities of the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, the eighth CAEXPO will create more opportunities, further raise friendly cooperation, deepen traditional friendship, and compose a new chapter of win-win development.

Gao Hucheng said that in the 20 years since China and the ASEAN have established dialogue relations, cooperation with mutual benefits in various fields has been advanced. In particular, the achievements made in economic and trade cooperation have been remarkable. We have worked together to fulfill the goal of the CAFTA on schedule. We have co-sponsored the CAEXPO as a platform that has strengthened the exchange and cooperation of businesses, promoted bilateral trade and investment, and brought tangible benefits to enterprises and peoples of both sides. The eighth CAEXPO will fully reflect the glorious achievements over the past 20 years and provide more opportunities for enterprises of both sides. Najib said, “I am delighted to be here with all of you today at the eighth China-ASEAN Expo – an event that continues to go from strength to strength, bringing together business communities from China, the ASEAN and all over the world and increasing regional cooperation and global ties.

"This year I am especially proud because Malaysia has been named Country of Honor. I would like to thank the organizers both personally and on behalf of the more than 100 Malaysian companies taking part in this event for what is indeed a privilege"

"This year's event is particularly significant because it marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of formal links between the ASEAN and China. Over this period the ASEAN-China relationship has grown significantly, buoyed by a common commitment to our mutual development. Through close cooperation, we have worked to improve public health, including the establishment of the Risk Communication Resource Centre here in Malaysia to manage infectious diseases outbreaks. We have worked to build the fabric of our societies by controlling and combating drug use. And we have worked to integrate our economies and boost our sources of growth by implementing the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement – an agreement that means companies from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and from Bangkok to Shanghai can reap greater rewards from trade, expand their opportunities to invest, and step up their regional and global presence."

"But as our economies continue to integrate and expand, we shall not allow them to do so in a way that will consign future generations to wealth without the wonders of the natural world. We can build an ice rink or put a roof on a football stadium, but we cannot yet do the same with glaciers or the ozone layer."

"What we can do is change our ways and, by promoting cleaner technology and reducing fossil fuel emissions, start to reverse the damage that has already been done. But this will take not just thought for tomorrow but action today, which is why it is so important that this expo addresses critically important issues like environmental protection and sustainable development."

"The background to this development comes of course from the 11th ASEAN-China Summit in 2007, where those nations present agreed that ‘environment’ should be added to the list of priority areas for cooperation. In subsequent years the China-ASEAN Strategy on Environmental Protection Cooperation 2009-2015 went on to pave the way for the establishment of the China-ASEAN Environmental Protection Centre in China."

"The breadth and bearing of the centre is not hard to see and, in leading plans for environmental projects, environmental strategies and promoting environmental industries in China and throughout the ASEAN, I have high hopes that it will become a significant institution. One of the projects it has already announced is the China-ASEAN Green Envoys Plan, which aims to increase the use of no-harm-to-the-environment technology, environmental labeling and clean production."

"But the weight of the work to be done is formidable and the responsibility could never be borne by just one institution. That is why governments the world over need to do more to raise public awareness of environmental issues, promote environmental education and develop environmentally sound technologies."

"Only in this way we can help to reverse a tide that is coming rapidly further inland and ensure that our children inherit a clean, safe and healthy planet – a planet that harvests enough crops to feed our global population and provides water that is safe to drink."

"But our economic and environmental development are of course closely entwined, and as we gather here today we should be mindful of economic challenges that Europe and the US are facing and the impact these will have on us in Asia – for export growth in that part of the world is likely to be muted for some time to come and we will need to look for alternative sources to support our growth."

"If we cannot do more business with the West, we can certainly do more business amongst ourselves. Trade between China and the ASEAN has grown considerably over the last 20 years, from $8 billion in 1991 to $231.2 billion in 2010. China is now the ASEAN’s largest trading partner, accounting for 11 percent of trade last year, while the ASEAN is China’s fourth largest trading partner accounting for 10 percent of trade." 

"That is not to say there isn’t room to increase this on both sides – quite the opposite in fact, and I welcome China’s pledge to increase bilateral trade to $500 billion by 2015."

"Reaching this target will not be easy. All effective cooperation means working to improve our understanding of each other's wants and needs, and we must continue to do this at the same time as improving market access for goods and services."

"The convening of the first ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting on Technical Barriers to Trade in Nanning is an important step in this direction, but I hope that we can build on our momentum, increase our ties and continue to progress for the benefit of all."

"On that note, I would once again like to thank the organizers for giving me this opportunity to speak to all of you today and, on behalf of all ASEAN countries, I hope that you all enjoy the eighth China-ASEAN Expo."

A short film was then presented, in which the history of friendly exchanges and the rich fruits in the friendly cooperation of China and the ASEAN were reviewed. 

Friendly cooperation has witnessed fast growth in the 20 years since both sides established dialogue relations. Especially with the convening of the CAEXPO, the process of the CAFTA has been accelerated with new vigor. 

With the promotion of the CAEXPO, bilateral trade volume of China and the ASEAN has fulfilled the goal of $100 billion in 2004, one year ahead of the plan; the goal of $200 billion in 2007, three years ahead of the plan; and reached $300 billion in 2010.

Both sides have made remarkable achievements in the cooperation of the 11 priority areas, including agriculture, information industry, human resource development, mutual investment, development of the Mekong River subregion, transportation, energy, culture, tourism, public health and environmental protection. 

The establishment of the China-ASEAN Youth and Children Exchanges Center is one of the important fruits of such efforts. It has provided a tangible platform and place for exchanges of youth and children between China and the ASEAN, and will further the endeavor in the future. 

After the short film, an enormous scroll depicting pictures with landmark buildings in China and the 10 ASEAN countries and the emblem of the CAEXPO was slowly spread. Youngsters from China and the 10 ASEAN countries made self-introductions in their native languages and presented their best wishes to the grand event. 

At 9:30 am, Former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao declared the opening of the eighth CAEXPO. Leaders of China and ASEAN countries – including Wen Jiabao, Najib, Hun Sen, Tin Aung Myint Oo, Somsavat, Kittirat, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Surin Pitsuwan, Gao Hucheng, CPC Guangxi Committee Secretary Guo Shengkun and ministers of other ASEAN countries – came forward

Youngsters and children from the 11 countries presented embroidered balls, which symbolized friendship and hope, and flowers, which carried blessings. Placing the flowers on the ribbon-cutting table to celebrate achievements in cooperation and interaction between China and the ASEAN, the 14 VIPs jointly unveiled the board of the China-ASEAN Youth and Children Exchanges Center and wished China and the ASEAN long-lasting friendly exchanges. 

Amid the flying confetti, streamers, ribbons and thundering applause, the eighth CAEXPO officially raised the curtain. 

Prior to the opening ceremony, leaders of China and ASEAN countries walked into the VIP rooms to view the exhibition of achievements of the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, an exhibition of CAEXPO achievements, and the theme wall. They also wrote down their comments and wishes in their own languages on the well-designed inscription book.

More than 1,000 people participated in the opening ceremony, including Xie Xuren, Chinese minister of finance; Yu Guangzhou, director of China customs; Zhi Shuping, commissioner of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Wan Jifei, president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; Xiang Zhaolun, deputy secretary general of the State Council; other leaders of related departments; leaders of Guangxi; world renowned entrepreneurs; presidents or chairmen of chambers of commerce and trade associations; experts and scholars of regional economy; and representatives of exhibitors and trade visitors.

The eighth CAEXPO closely meets the needs of the CAFTA and expands the scale to provide three venues for the first time, with an agriculture exhibition, light industrial products exhibition, ASEAN brand galleria, and bulk goods exhibition provided to satisfy the needs of enterprises and to promote economic and trade cooperation between China and the ASEAN. Highlighting the theme of the year, which is environmental protection cooperation, the forums and programs of the eighth CAEXPO include the China-ASEAN Forum on Environmental Protection and other high-end forums or international meetings on quality inspection, finance, science and technology, drug safety, forestry, mass sport, cultural industry, publication, population and development.

So far, the preparatory work of the eighth CAEXPO has gone on smoothly, with active application for exhibition or participation from enterprises from home and abroad. The number of exhibition booths used by the ASEAN and other countries has hit a record high. Repeat exhibitors have grown in number; trade visitors are better than previous sessions in quality and quantity; the business matching service will be more popular; the investment cooperation will be more tangible; and more comprehensive services will be made available. As a result, the outcome of the eighth CAEXPO will be enhanced.

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