Asian manufacturers have always migrated in search of cheaper labor. Until recently, China seemed their ultimate destination, claiming an ever larger share of investment by Asia's huge production networks.
The central government of China has sped up efforts to slow down rising housing prices, which have been a major source of public complaints in the country's biggest cities and even rural areas.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection has created a stir, because it proposes to shrink the Upper Yangtze National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endangered Fish by more than 1,400 hectares.
At the very least, we are hopefully waking up to the simple fact that swelling GDP alone does not deliver satisfaction.
Critics of the world's day for lovers fall into two categories. You're either anti-consumerist and believe the day is just another excuse for the people at Hallmark to steal our hard-earned cash, or you object to forced observation of romantic love.
Since the 2008 terrorist attacks, travel to India has not been easy. If the visitor is from China, Pakistan, or Bangladesh, the government has to be overcautious in granting a visa. Sometimes it really becomes a nightmare and one gets the visa hours before reporting at the airport.
In a recent online poll titled "Do you think it's time to ban fireworks in big cities?" by China Daily website, about two thirds of those surveyed believed it is time to ban fireworks again in big cities.
I will wait and see how Obama and his administration will manage to solve the challenges facing the country, without taking tough measures such as cutting the military budget and increasing taxes on the very rich.
China has one of the largest domestic flight industries in the world. Airline companies are offering more features and trying to offer the lowest price. But unstable ticket pricing prevents the establishment of a strong consumer base.
The United State of America, the only remaining superpower, has declined significantly due to the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as one of the worst financial crises since the Great Depression. China, on the other hand, has become more and more robust - both comprehensively and economically - during the last few decades.
We appeal to you to consider earnestly and most sincerely declaring the Chinese Spring Festival as a festival in your country and at your organization and making it a one-day international holiday.
There has been a barrage of criticism on China's failure to ban indoor smoking. But little attention has been paid to the social norms which encourage smoking or how to utilize social norms to develop successful campaigns to wipe out smoking.