The author is a columnist and culture critic with China Daily
Two months ago, Ye Dachuan told a visiting delegation that the city of Liupanshui had been "steady in maintaining grade-two air quality all year around," ranking it "the best in Guizhou Province." Besides, "there is no coal and chemical plant in its area of jurisdiction and no industrial enterprise in the area protected for water resources."
First it was eggs with red yolks, and now fish with thin, round bodies. It seems pretty things are not supposed to be put on our plates.
Maids make up a big segment in China's labour market. Many middle-class families employ them, freeing wage-earners from household chores and helping balance the economy by allowing their wealth to trickle down.
In recent weeks, small groups of young people appeared on downtown sidewalks in Changsha, Beijing and other cities, holding placards with the words "free hugs" and offered embraces to any passer-by who would care for one.
Last week, I experienced what can best be described as a "blessing in disguise" or "sweet misfortune."
A few years ago, Zhao Lihua scribbled down the following lines: "There's no question/That the meat pies I make/Are the best tasting/In the entire world."
They hawk their wares on sidewalks, pedestrian overpasses or underpasses. They are the target of crackdown by chengguan - urban management authorities - and neighbourhood complaints. They are China's street vendors.
On September 6, newspapers in Chongqing carried this item on a local government proclamation: All sex-related entertainment venues must provide condoms.
Revising a history textbook is a dangerous thing. People who are used to the old version will feel cheated and find a thousand faults. People who start with the new may doubt your motives and suspect they are not getting a balanced account.
What is the use of a house if you don't have the money to maintain it and it's probably doomed to destruction?
A philosopher has thrown down the gauntlet and asked a science maverick to a duel. Since we are living in the 21st century, to make it "civilized," in the philosopher's words, whoever loses the contest will commit suicide "in a civilized manner."
Last Sunday, 500 newly recruited civil servants participated in a ceremony in Guangzhou.