Opinion / Thought Leaders

The eurozone's strength in disunity

[2011-09-06 15:52]

For months, an increasingly frenetic, even apocalyptic, debate about the fate of the euro has been the major driver of global instability. Can Europe's common currency survive?

Ten years after the mouse roared

[2011-09-02 14:08]

At least for America, perhaps the most important lesson of 9/11 is that US foreign policy should follow the counsel given by President Dwight Eisenhower a half-century ago: Do not get involved in land wars of occupation, and focus on maintaining the strength of the American economy.

Will the IMF stand up to Europe?

[2011-09-02 14:07]

As the eurozone crisis continues to deepen, the International Monetary Fund may finally be acknowledging the need to reassess its approach.

David Cameron's great expectations

[2011-09-02 14:00]

In the wake of the riots in England, Prime Minister David Cameron has proposed reviving children’s courts, urged harsh sentences for convicts, and floated even more odious ideas. We already know where such measures would lead the country.

China's new currency policy

[2011-08-29 15:03]

The Chinese government may be about to let the renminbi-dollar exchange rate rise more rapidly in the coming months than it did during the past year. There are two fundamental reasons: reducing its portfolio risk and containing domestic inflation.

What's in a domain name?

[2011-08-29 14:06]

The Internet's governing body, ICANN, is allowing for a dramatic expansion of the namespace with a host of new Top-Level Domains (TLDs). That is likely to create money for ICANN’s primary constituents, but only added costs for companies and the public at large.

The trouble with Eurobonds

[2011-08-29 12:56]

Europe needs to face reality and initiate the difficult adjustment processes within the real economy that are necessary to rebalance the eurozone. Eurobonds would numb the distressed countries’ current pain, but they – and the eurozone as a whole – would end up far sicker than before.

A dim light on global warming

[2011-08-16 17:49]

Let's be clear: we do need to tackle climate change. But this does not mean that we should just cut all emissions. Burning fossil fuels also has significant benefits, and we should weigh those benefits against the costs.

What can replace the dollar?

[2011-08-16 17:48]

The United States no longer dominates the world economy to the extent that it did in the past. Just as the US now has to share the world stage with other economies, the dollar will have to make room for other international currencies.

The manufacturing imperative

[2011-08-16 15:55]

We may live in a post-industrial age, in which information technologies, biotech, and high-value services have become drivers of economic growth. But countries ignore the health of their manufacturing industries at their peril.

Stagnant and paralyzed

[2011-08-12 10:01]

The recent dramatic declines in equity markets worldwide are a response to the interaction of two factors: economic fundamentals and policy responses – or, rather, the lack of policy responses.

Democracy's drama in terrorism's theater

[2011-08-09 14:51]

Terrorism is a form of theater. It works not by sheer destruction, but rather by dramatizing atrocious acts against civilians. It is like jiu jitsu: the weaker adversary wins by leveraging the power of the stronger against itself.

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