Netizen [icwu]
With the red tapes and slow approval processes, I don't think the calls for innovation will come to anything. Innovation means something new, which must be allowed to proceed without hinder. Mistakes and failures will occur and be allowed. Otherwise it's not 'innovation'.
Netizen [TedM]
It seems to me that China has an established and powerful administration (or government). It certainly has a huge and effective executive ...... and improvements to the enforcement of law in a fair and just way is always welcome. In private businesses I have witnessed huge amounts of rules being created and put into place... but it is not long before they are ignored because they are not understood or enforced. Some people still believe that to break rules is clever. Reforms to the rule of law is good but not effective if it is not upheld, with fairness, understanding and justice.
Netizen [TedM]
China has become a leader in IT software/networking... its use in government offices is needed to avoid constant repetition of information and delay, and efficiency.
Netizen [EricTian]
Unlike SOE that the whole national resources are used to support, it is not fair for small and intermediate enterprises to receive a little support from the government. I am glad to see the central government has more focus on the small and intermediate enterprises recently.
Netizen [happiness0_0]
It is true that telecommunication enterprises need to rise the speed because you know, the internet develop fastly and our social life also need to catch up with developed countries.
Netizen [TedM]
Continue expanding international business and banking to bring stability and peace between China and other countries.
Netizen [Rexford Narteh]
The private sector can be encouraged to develop their potential even as the government keeps a close eye on them. That could prove advantageous. Over 60 percent of the country’s GDP comes from the private sector. That is certainly remarkable. If the government can lure more foreign investment through lucrative and irresistible offers, it will certainly go a long way to help.
Netizen [Michael Chang]
I think China must eventually open its mobile telecom sector to foreign investment and ownership. Foreign investors and operators must comply with Chinese law, policies, and guidelines. Current operators are followers rather than leaders in this technology space. Innovation is challenging.
Netizen [Michael]
Much should be done to guarantee that there is no barriers between urban and rural areas. It is becoming increasingly difficult for students from rural areas to receive a high-quality education. I've noticed that there are fewer rural students in universities compared with 20 years ago. What's more, rural college students have to come face to face with the gloomy prospects after graduation, with lack of transparency or the use of guanxi is particularly evident in competition for jobs at monopoly industries.
Netizen [icwu]
Employee Stock Participation Plan (ESPP) Plan: The plan calls for the enterprise to issue Special Preferred Shares (SPS) to an employee organized and sponsored ESPP Trust Fund as a means of incentive to employees and also as a means to raise 'low cost' funds. ESPP Trust Fund in turn gets its funding (to purchase SPS) from third party institutions (such as commercial banks,funds and finance companies and/or governments etc.) with the purchased SPS as colleterals, which fundings should be low cost (below normal commercial costs and subsidized by the government if needed). SPS: These are non-voting preferred shares carrying a market-based fixed dividend rate (or alternatively a lower fixed dividend rate plus a variable dividend rate pegged to the enterprise's earnings performance) and also carrying a perpetual PUT Option pegged to the enterprise's VAT (at the time of issuance or the enterprise's current VAT). The dividends will be cumulative (i.e. their payment can be postponed but will be paid eventually). Benefits: 1. The issuing enterprise gets flexible low cost fundings without diluting its equity investors, which is more flexible and cost-effective than funding through bonds or common equities and also gets added loyal and incentivized employees at the same time; 2. The employees get participation in the enterprise's performace and also get a added meaningful bonus to their retirement funds; 3. The government gets a harmonious 'sharing' enterprise and economic environment, better enterprise governance (with added supervision by employees) and added comsumption dynamics (helped by the added wealth effect of richer emloyees).
Netizen [StanLi]
When I was in Shenzhen lately, an air conditioner factory worker told me that she can easily earn a salary of 3000 yuan and even up to 5000 yuan with overtime pay. Graduates on the other hand are also getting a starting pay not too far away from blue collar workers and in this case, even lower. Hopefully the drive of urbanization can help to create more high-paying service sector jobs.
Netizen [Gary8907]
Chinese education system should be reformed. The Chinese still hold onto the old tradition of "rote" learning and piling on the homework to the point that students have no time for social interaction and "play time" with other children their own ages. Because of that end they don't develop the ability to problem solve and think and create on their own.
Netizen [TedM]
Drastic reforms of the GaoKao examination which is almost 100 years out of date and is the cause of poor education and lack of initiative. Consider the International Bachelorette and a modern national curriculum to be introduced over time.
Netizen [Susan]
I hope China can spend more on education, especially in the remote rural areas. The gap is increasingly bigger between urban and rural kids these days. To create a fair education system, you’d better learn from Japan.
Netizen [TedM]
As a foreign teacher and education adviser in this country, I noticed that teachers in China especially in rural areas are unfairly treated with poor salary and conditions of work, and denied systems of professional support. Most of them take teaching as just a job with no enthusiasm no initiative. To break the cycle, systems of proper professional support systems are needed for teachers. Treat them well and give them what they need to enable good teaching standards. Best wishes.
Netizen [TedM]
Provision of better health care for the poor.
Netizen [RugbyLion]
The cost of medication is a global issue and not just one for China to address. There is far too much profit made on medications, and of course with profit comes corruption. In my view the state should subsidize all forms of medication and make them freely available to everyone.
Netizen [ART-Sun]
In China qualified resources centralized in big cities, which causes a huge distance between urban and rural hospitals. China's healthcare system need to built, so can we share necessary information about patients with other experts who engage in urban hospitals.
Netizen [sfphoto]
The low-income households (migrants, peasants, laborers) are simply too poor to pay for social welfare such as education, healthcare, retirement, elderlycare, childcare, etc. The middle-income households save too much money for their future social welfare needs. The idea is for the government to shoulder their social welfare expenses by diverting funds from infrastructure projects to social welfare. No need for more condo buildings, office towers, shopping malls, etc. What is needed are hospitals, orphanages, schools, nursing homes, etc. That's hitting two birds with one stone: 1) create lots of services jobs in social welfare; 2) unlease the disposable income of middle-income households thus turning them into consumers.
Netizen [cestmoi]
A government subsidized healthcare system would be more appropriate with low income earners getting a bit more.
Netizen [ADIR]
China should come up with policies that enable low-income people to earn more money. The number of people on low salaries is thwarting the government's efforts to stimulate domestic demand and reduce the economy's dependence on investment and trade.
Netizen [sfphoto]
China has done a good job building the hardware. Now China needs to build the software. And that means investing in people by providing for their welfare and training them to provide services to society.
Netizen [sisisisisisisi]
I would suggest that to broaden the coverage and launch more policies for social security, not limited to the security housing, and especially to come up measures to help the unemployment people, like provide more training to let them go back to the labor market.
Netizen [JohnL]
China should stop subsidizing heavy-polluting activities and put a price on environmental damage. Imposing more order and regulations would promote cost reduction, and help the country's economy to focus on cleaner ways to grow.
Netizen [TedM]
Continue with measures to protect and improve the environment, reducing pollution from industry and mining. Further measures to encourage sustainable and clean energy sources. 4.Drastic reforms of the GaoKao examination which is almost 100 years out of date and is the cause of poor education and lack of initiative. Consider the International Bachelorette and a modern national curriculum to be introduced over time.
Netizen [maodung]
When utilizing natural resources, top priority should be put on containment of pollution to air and environment. Without an access to know-how of environmental protection, utilization of those resources must be put on hold until it is environmentally feasible. It is not everything to catch up with life style of the developed countries. China should be in search of shoes which fit the country well and naturally.
Netizen [rkn]
China's Government deserves credit for the good job they do. 2015 was a difficult year for the global economy yet China did great. Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, poverty reduction, diversifying from a manufacturing based economy, luring foreign investors to China, Internet access, promoting education, health reform, promoting peace and prosperity in China and the world, fighting pollution, reforming the salary structure of workers and pensioners, etc can go a long way to improve conditions for the good people of China and the world at large. Decisions taken by China matters to the world. Well done to the Government of China for their effort and contribution in making China and the world a much prosperous and better place for all. Wish them all the best in their endeavour.
Netizen [TedM]
Continue with measures to protect and improve the environment, reducing pollution from industry and mining. Further measures to encourage sustainable and clean energy sources.
Netizen [icwu]
China should take this opportune time to massively build up its alternate energy industries, where she's still in the forefront of developments and thus can be competitive. Electric and fuel-cell vehicles and related industries should be prioritized. If carried out effectively and successfully, it will collect handsome returns from cost savings from a clean environment and a healthier nation overall and at the same time, contributes to GDP growths, employment, innovations and advances overall skill sets.
Netizen [whoisfriend]
China still get there even it is very daunting and long and hard. All, not just the government have to make the effort.Drive less, walk when possible, don't overheat or overcool houses.Clean energy, solar, wind, geothermal should all be used as much as possible.
Netizen [A_Laowai_in_NZ]
Honourable Premier Li Keqiang, Although I am not Ethnic Chinese nor currently residing in the PRC, I am very interested in the future development of your nation for a variety of reasons. I believe that a modern, sustainable, innovative and cooperative PRC is an essential factor in a changing world. Specifically, I respectfully suggest the following: That all future high-rise residential towers be planned & designed with a high degree of energy, material, waste management, maintenance and human-focused efficiency. That all current high rise residential towers that do not meet, at least the current standard, be assessed and prioritized for refit and upgrade, with the smaller or Second Tier cities being the initial target of such action. That the people of the PRC through crowd-funding of their collective intelligence be allowed to substantially contribute to the future design of the PRCs' Urban landscape, as after all, they are the ones who will reside in, maintain and operate these buildings. That the PRC set the global standard for wide-scale and fully integrated Urban Landscape environmental monitoring, compliance and standards development with respect to Air quality, Water quality, materials science, sustainable energy and life quality. May 2016 be a better year for the PRC than those before.
Netizen [Cindy]
Energy conservation should be promoted across all the enterprises. If China follows this pattern, it will be endowed with the so-called ‘soft power' and set a great example for many other countries.
Netizen [pnp]
Food safety is a major concern; it has been voiced very often but still offenders carry on as usual. With the current bird flu epidemic sweeping southern China, officials must actively check on illegal slaughtering of live chickens in alleys and walkways to prevent the spread of this deadly disease. There are far too many cases of illegal slaughtering of fowls despite a ban on such practice. That goes to show that law enforcement is weak and often non-existent!
Netizen [PNP]
The problems China faces are varied, but a lot has to do with poor enforcement. China has enough laws to handle most of its problems, such as air water soil pollution and food safety. Unfortunately those responsible for enforcement are not doing their job, resulting in offenders getting away scott free. In particular, the Municipal Government of Shenzhen should take tough measures to improve air quality in the city which is heavily polluted by vehicle emissions and irresponsible smokers who smoke in prohibited public places despite the smoking ban and there is little or no enforcement action. Vehicles, including public transport buses, trucks and goods vehicles ply the city with thick black smoke emitting from their exhaust pipes. These polluters must be taken off the road, but they are unfortunately left to pollute daily the air all residents breathe. Officials responsible for enforcement must be sacked for failure to do heir job as expected of them. They should be replaced by people who are prepared to do a good job.
Netizen [John Durbeyfield]
I hope the Chinese government can simplify visa procedures in the next five years for foreign visitors and businessmen. I hope the government can make efforts to bring more people curious about China and the Chinese culture like me to the country.
Netizen [william]
Transparency is a fundamental element of stamping out corruption. Officials of all ranks are required to publicize their assets. They should tell the public about their families' assets and publicize information about their families. There are a large number of officials whose spouses, children, secretaries and drivers were found to be involved in corruption. That some officials' family members have become part of corruption has caused great harm to society.
Netizen [Paul]
Corruption is a chronic disease that needs to be addressed immediately. In recent years, China's anti-corruption campaign has achieved significant progress and won worldwide acclaim. But it is still a long way to go and much work should be done. I strongly support the online anti-corruption efforts. The Internet provides a new platform for residents to express themselves and participate in public policy, and serves as a good channel to stop corruption.
Netizen [TedM]
Continue with strong anti-corruption measures that cripple Chinese business/ trust.
Netizen [Dave]
China should narrow the income gap between different industries, which has been widening in recent years. Those who work for monopoly industries such as electricity, tobacco and banks have their wage five to ten times higher than national average. Such inequality of income distribution should be addressed because unfairness can lead to social unrest.
Netizen [TedM]
Continue efforts to tackle growing terrorism, particularly from the Middle East.
Netizen [HailChina]
One big thing that I would like to see in China is for road rules to be clear and for them to be better enforced. Better driver education. It seems like a small thing but improving road safety in China seems very important to me for many reasons.
Netizen [fatdragon]
As the husband of a Chinese citizen I find it relatively easy to get a visa (residence permit) here lasting 3 years. Conversely, my Chinese wife, a retired surgeon, can only get a 6 month's tourist visa to enter the UK where I was born and am a passport holder. Seemingly the Chinese government is more liberal than the British one in this regard. That said, I have lived in China for 10 years and you would think that after all this time I could get something a little more permanent as the "green card" is not available to ordinary mortals like me.
Netizen [TED]
Road condition in third-tier cities is badly needed to be improved. The fence along the middle of the road is intended to hinder the traffic from crashing, but when many of them extruded by car crash, no one mends them, as a result, it threatens drivers' safety.
Netizen [Tony.wei]
Dear Premier: Since our country had loosened the family planning policy from only child to two children universally, so I suggested that all the precedent violations should be exempted of the penalty. It is the real welfare and profit for the common hundreds of thousands of families!
Netizen [lindah]
I hope in the future there will be more and more convience for us to travel around! Traffic problem is a big problem!