The so-called 996 work schedule, which refers to employees working from 9 am to 9 pm six days a week, has become the norm for employees of internet companies.
The working hours have become an "unspoken rule" in many enterprises.
But what these companies are doing goes against the Labor Law.
The Labor Law stipulates that the normal working hours should be no more than eight hours a day, 44 hours a week.
Overtime should not exceed three hours per day and 36 hours per month, and enterprises should pay employees no less than 150 percent of their hourly wage for each hour of overtime. From the perspective of protecting employees' rights, many enterprises, especially internet companies, violate the law.
Some companies inform employees that the 996 work schedule without any overtime payment is compulsory. Even in those companies that do not make 996 compulsory, many employees abide by the working schedule as they fear for their jobs otherwise. This shows insufficient protection of employees' rights.
Many internet companies claim they pursue innovation, equality and freedom, and their long-term target is to change the world for the better. Compulsory overtime that undermines employees' rights and interests shows what a load of hogwash this is.