Opinion / Chris Peterson

Why I won't be making any New Year resolutions

By Chris Peterson (Chris Peterson) Updated: 2015-12-30 20:35
Why I won't be making any New Year resolutions

Oh dear, it's that time of year again. Time to trot out a list of New Year Resolutions that one never keeps.

Let's look at the usual suspects:

Losing weight – already on a diet.

Quitting smoking – did that 31 years ago and haven't looked back.

Be nice to my neighbours – they already have me down as the guy who firmly wishes everyone good morning come rain or shine.

Be polite to other drivers – hard, but I always acknowledge someone who lets me go first.

Stop ranting at idiots who use their mobile phones when driving – why should I?

Stop getting steamed up by people walking along the pavement engrossed in their mobile phones – see last entry.

Go to the gym regularly – I already do.

Go swimming regularly – I already do.

Read more – are you kidding? I have a major book habit, thanks to Amazon's Kindle. I am on my third.

Walk regularly – the deer in my local park, Greenwich in East London, know me well.

Talk to my family more often – not really, they already think I talk too much.

Spoil my grandchildren – I already do.

Now here's a tricky one, keeping a diary. I was always hopeless at doing that when I was younger, but my job here at China Daily UK demands that I keep track of my appointments. So I guess that's one Resolution I WILL keep.

What else?

Well, moving along, it's time for a wish list.

I really don't, at my age, think that violence is the answer. So I'd like the leaders of the world to think twice before dropping any more bombs on people.

Similarly, there're more ways to win an argument before killing people by blowing them up, shooting them, or chopping their heads off.

Like many people, I've been encouraged by the lead taken by China, the US, the UK, Europe and others over climate change. The awful smog in China's big cities, the burning fires in Indonesia, the tornadoes in middle America and the floods in northern England are timely reminders that if we don't act soon, it will be too late. Try explaining that to your children and grandchildren.

So am I feeling smug?

No, in a word.

I still drive a diesel car.

I haven't yet converted my house to solar power.

I gave up on bicycling years ago.

On the plus side, the minute someone comes up with a viable way of getting around on four wheels that doesn't belch CO2, then I'm there. But the range on electric cars is pitiful, the availability of charging points a nightmare, and if you want a hydrogen-powered car, the cleanest solution so far, then good luck as you queue for the only available refuelling point in the UK.

Maybe the stock answer trotted out by Miss World Contestants is the answer.

World Peace.

And with that, I wish all China Daily readers, wherever you may be and whoever you are, a Happy New Year.

Chris Peterson is the Managing Editor for China Daily Europe. You can contact him on

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