Opinion / Hot Words

制度性话语权(zhiguxing huayuquan):Greater say in global governance

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-11-23 08:19

The 13th Five Year Plan (2016-20) suggests that China should strengthen its voice in global economic governance and establish an extensive community of interests during this period.

Institutional discourse power is a new phrase in the plan that refers to China's comprehensive capability in influencing the global economic governance system including leading the development direction, decision-making and implementation in the international economic field.

Institutional discourse power is thus the key point and new demand for further opening to the outside world over the next five years. In the new era, China will focus on two-way opening-up and actively participate in the supply of public products and global governance. It clearly shows China's transition from always being influenced by the outside world to mutual interaction. China's further development needs external opportunities, but China will also benefit the outside world by shouldering more responsibilities.

In the following years China will contribute to infrastructure construction and industrial productivity construction in developing countries and provide more funds and public products to the international community through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the BRICS Development Bank and other international organizations.

(China Daily 11/23/2015 page8)

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