Opinion / Hot Words

PPP模式 (PPP móshì): PPP Model

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-09-15 08:22

To achieve the annual target of economic growth, the Ministry of Finance recently introduced several policies and measures to support steady growth, and promote sustainable and healthy economic development.

The Ministry said in its announcement that in the last few months of this year China's economy faces a complicated situation at home and aboard, especially as there are new pressures due to the fluctuation of the international and domestic financial markets.

One of the measures to support steady economic growth is to accelerate promotion of the Public Private Partnership model, which encourages private-owned and non-governmental enterprises to cooperate with governments at various levels for the construction of public infrastructure. The PPP model is expected to be conducive to addressing the economic downward pressure.

The Ministry said it will further improve the related legal system, provide more policy support, and accelerate the establishment of a domestic PPP guidance fund. The fund will attract the joint participation of market parties, which will increase the accessibility of project financing, and the Ministry will regulate the fiscal administration of PPP projects, and supervise the implementation of them and manage the risks of finance.

(China Daily 09/15/2015 page8)

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