Editor's Note: Chinese stock markets are climbing to feverish highs, with a record number of individual investors putting their money in equities. Will you invest in Chinese stocks? Share your views on our website.
Kathya (UK)
Yes. Recently I am reading some materials on how to buy stock in China. Beijing has learned from the West very well. The new normal is that you can print all the money you want and there is no inflation. Therefore bubbles can grow for quite a while yet. My friend told me that the worldwide investment community now loves the Hong Kong and China stock markets, and will likely follow the lead and buy Chinese stocks, leading to another long running bull market. Prosperity for all the new stock account holders in turn drives the internal economy, and all is good.
Bubble? What bubble? The China stocks' P/E is still 30% lower than that in the West. If there is froth, it is not in China.