Opinion / Opinion Line

Raising public awareness of GM safety

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-02-05 08:50

Raising public awareness of GM safety

One product in China sold with genetically modified beans is oil. [Photo provided to China Daily]

China will raise public awareness of the safety of genetically modified, or GM technology, according to the No 1 Central Document issued by the Party and the State Council on Feb 1. Comments:

The No 1 Central Document, which signifies the country's top priority this year, reveals the leadership's determination to embark on the urgent and important task of promoting public awareness of GM technology. In past years, explaining GM-related knowledge, especially that concerning GM foods, seemed to be a spontaneous practice conducted by a few agricultural experts or the Ministry of Agriculture. Now they are not alone.

Beijing Times, Feb 4.

The biggest difficulty in disseminating GM knowledge lies in the organizers' credibility. Hence, to make more people become aware of relevant technologies, the government should recruit qualified talent and stay sincere and convincing in responding to public doubts. In the meanwhile, those unnecessary but often repeated discussions have also to be avoided before they slide into a pointless war of words.

Beijing News, Feb 4.

With the plantation and introduction of GM crops being a basic agricultural policy of our country, alleviating public concerns over the safety of GM food has never been more important for the central government. The GM policy of the authorities can only be fully understood, acknowledged and accepted by the public only after GM technologies are thoroughly explained and discussed in genuine dialogues between agricultural scientists, officials and ordinary citizens.

Shenzhen Economic Daily, Feb 4.

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