Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Creating new dynamism through reform and innovation

By Li Keqiang (China Daily) Updated: 2014-09-12 07:24

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We now live in an era defined by deepening economic globalization, with countries increasingly depending on one another in interests and sharing their destinies closely. The world needs China, and China needs the world. China's endeavor to realize the two centenary goals (namely, to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021, and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the People's Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049) and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will present great development opportunities and a huge market to the world. Instead of "I win, you lose" or a "zero-sum game", we need win-win or all-win, which ensures mutual benefit. Only in this way could the world prosper and advance forward. China is resolute in following the path of peaceful development. China is a defender and builder of the existing international system and is dedicated to maintaining an overall environment of peace and stability. We call for observance of the basic norms governing international relations and believe that regional conflicts and hotspot issues should be solved peacefully and politically through dialogue. We stand ready to deepen cooperation with our Asian neighbors, properly handle differences as there may be, maintain the overall interest of stability and security and uphold the order of peace. We advocate the building of an open, fair and integrated global market and support the establishment of both multilateral free trade arrangements and bilateral FTAs, in order to build a high-standard FTA network that is globally oriented. We oppose protectionism in all its forms and do not favor fighting trade wars. We will continue to pursue a more proactive strategy of opening-up and improve the open economic system. We will focus on stabilizing export and actively expanding import. We will move faster to bring greater openness in the service sector, as well as China's areas bordering other countries and its vast central and western regions. We will follow a stable and more open policy on foreign capital. We will continue to improve and standardize the business environment, in order to attract more foreign businesses and investment and draw upon and adopt the advanced technologies, mature managerial expertise and fine cultural achievements of other countries. China will always be a major country committed to learning from others and to being open and inclusive. Acting on the basis of its actual conditions, China will strive to become a major country driven by innovation.

As the saying goes, great vision that makes a country prosper is but the result of collective wisdom. In other words, wisdom comes from the people. In the same line, the massive entrepreneurship and innovation by all, as I emphasized earlier, will generate enormous power. Today more than any other time, we need reform and innovation and the sharing of the result of reform and innovation. To use a Chinese idiom, the fire will burn higher when everyone adds wood to it. I hope that all our distinguished participants will speak up your minds, jointly explore ways for reform, innovation and open development, share your views on how to create value and achieve mutual benefit, and do what you can to help China's economic development and world prosperity and progress.

Let me conclude by wishing this Summer Davos a complete success, and I wish all of you a successful Forum and very good health!

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