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Things the West could learn from China

Updated: 2014-07-01 07:49 (

4. The government appears to do a great job in managing the economy of China.

I realize that there are still millions of people who are still living in poverty in China. I'm sure someone will be quick to point that out in the comments. And, it must be acknowledged and never minimized in importance. However, as a nation, China is prospering. The quality of life is improving for tens of millions of people in China. It is certainly no utopia. But, it is working better than in the West during the global economic problems that we've seen these past few years.

There are policies that are followed by the Central Government in China that are working as a whole. No one, in any country, has been able to provide a cure-all for every person of that country. But, in China, the economy certainly appears to be healthier than in many other countries.

Things the West could learn from China
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