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Things the West could learn from China

Updated: 2014-07-01 07:49 (

2. Chinese people are more open and accepting to people regardless of their social or economic status.

When I came to China, one thing that I was quite surprised about is that people are very open to asking each other how much money they earn and what they pay for things that they buy. This is something that you wouldn't do in the West. I pondered as to 'why' this is so different than in the West. I think that people in the West are far more 'status minded'. When pared down to a personal character trait, people in the West have a lot of pride when it comes to having the appearance of being of a higher social status than others.

Now, with that said, this seems to be changing in China. And not necessarily is it changing for the good. As people have more access and the ability to acquire material goods, especially luxury goods, then they become more of what we call 'materialistic.' Healthy economic growth is definitely good for any culture or country. Materialism isn't always so good. It affects the character of people, often in a negative way.

Things the West could learn from China
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