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Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy

Updated: 2014-06-17 08:02 (

Danny1986 (US)

Many foreigners are leaving, and wealthy Chinese are all leaving as well. China has had an incredible opportunity for foreign immigration. The people coming have been engineers, plant managers, and business people, creating thousands upon thousands of jobs.

But at some point, people get tired of doing vis's every year and feeling like second class citizens despite living here for so long. I have lived in China for 15 years…but have had about enough.

When I go back to the U.S. I stand behind dozens and dozens of Chinese nationals all holding brand new U.S. passports. And in China, despite being here so long, paying millions (RMB) in taxes, speaking Chinese, graduating from Tsinghua, and my family being Chinese I am required to still get a visa every year. Not gonna accept it any longer. I'm out.

Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy

Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy
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