Opinion / Forum Trends

Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy

Updated: 2014-06-17 08:02 (

bookfever (US)

I like living in China and traveling around. Everyone I met in Los Angeles, USA told me that with my two master's degrees, I could teach English and live quite comfortably. Not so! I found out quickly that at 65 yrs old (good health, I might add) I am deemed too old to work here. And yes, I have trouble renewing my visa all the time, expensive and a bother. When I go home to the USA, I have culture shock and want to go back to China right away. I live simply here, doing artwork, writing stuff, taking online courses and doing a great deal of reading. And yes, I try to learn Mandarin.

Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy

Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy Laowais complain about China's immigrant policy
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