Opinion / Forum Trends

Advice for graduates

Updated: 2014-05-29 08:04 (

ColinSpeakman (UK)

If we can learn anything from the Western experience, it's that college (including university) is also a preparation for the transition from school to work. American students work their way through college. Four years, the flexibility in the system, means that the average time for graduating is a stunning five and a half years, with students working part-time, even full-time, for part of their degree. That is an extreme example, but I would encourage Chinese undergraduates not just to spend all available hours studying and in the library till late every evening. Some part-time work experience, some team-work experience, some good understanding of the challenges of the working world, are sought after by more and more by employers. The work need not be paid work, and internships are a good source for acquiring such experiences.

Advice for graduates

Advice for graduates Advice for graduates Advice for graduates
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