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China's leftover women-intelligent and charming

Updated: 2014-05-12 08:00 (

MichaelM (US)

In the US, it is virtually unheard of. Not that women who are over 30 are all married. Far from it. In the US, we consider it more important to mature in your own life before getting married. Most people are worried that their children will marry too young; certainly not too old. I got married when I was 23. She was 19. Everyone tried to discourage it. But, being in America, they left the choice up to us.

It has amazed me here in China that the thought of most parents is, their child is old enough to get married but not old enough to choose whom they will marry. The parent want to choose the mate for their child. Actually, that kind of thinking is rather humorous to those in the Western world. No logic behind it as far as we are concerned. Living in a marriage 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year takes a lot more maturity than simply choosing a mate.

So, the Western view is, wait to get married. Mature first. Choose wisely before you make a commitment. Choose someone that you love. If the husband and wife are supported by genuine love within the marriage, then, the chances are far greater that they will have a successful marriage and life.

China's leftover women-intelligent and charming

China's leftover women-intelligent and charming China's leftover women-intelligent and charming China's leftover women-intelligent and charming
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