Editor's note: Grace Jacobsen,our blogger from the United States, offers her version of incorrect Chinese stereotypes. Welcome to join our forum for discussions.
Grace Jacobsen (US)
Despite the fact that I spent a good deal of time growing up in Asia, I still had some preconceived notions about China before moving here. I would like to blame Chinatowns, Mulan and the media for my terrible stereotypes. In reality I can only blame myself for not having bothered to learn before now. After a year of living in good, ol’ Beijing, I thought I would share with you my now debunked stereotypes.
1. Chinese people are only good at math and science
I am almost 100 percent sure that every movie/TV show ever made has had a nerd played by an Asian kid. I’m also fairly certain that every foreign exchange student from Asia who went to my high school was a genius. Everyone just knows Chinese kids are good at math and science. I am aware that we are also taught that Chinese education does not allow for free thought and creative thinking.
After working in the education system of Beijing for the past year, I can tell you it is not that black and white. I have so many students who love art, theater and music. One in particular, is always sketching and I love it. I have students who hate math and science. They and I bemoan their terrible math homework together. Please don’t assume that just because they are Chinese they are all forced to be alike. They are individuals.