Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Obama's rebalancing may backfire

By Liu Weidong (China Daily) Updated: 2014-05-08 07:11

Objectively speaking, the US' rebalancing strategy in the Asia-Pacific region is aimed at achieving a strategic balance between China and Japan that will prevent war between them but also prevent their reconciliation. It will also make both countries woo the US, which will help reinforce the US' dominant position as an "offshore balancer".

During his Asia trip, Obama not only continuously pressured China, he also put pressure on the Abe administration by telling the media that the US won't contain China and raising the "comfort women" issue in the ROK.

So Obama's statement that the disputed territory between China and Japan falls under the US-Japan security treaty is confusing, and Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel didn't interpret it at the press conference. It is also dangerous as it may prompt Japan to make a reckless move in the future.

The US should be more patient in Asia. It should watch and learn the true meaning of balance.

The author is a researcher with the Institute of American Studies, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

(China Daily 05/08/2014 page8)

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