Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Redemption or self-deception

By Yujing Shentu (China Daily) Updated: 2014-02-13 07:18

But the self-deception that Abe and his hirelings like Momii are regaling in is not much different from a person "stuffing his ears while stealing a bell", for the Japanese prime minister miscalculated the impact of his visit to Yasukuni Shrine on neighboring countries that suffered the brutalities of Japanese invasion.

China, the Republic of Korea and other countries have repeatedly condemned Japanese politicians' visits to the controversial shrine. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea even termed Abe's visit to the shrine as "self-destruction". And the US embassy in Tokyo said, "the United States is disappointed that Japan's leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan's neighbors".

Redemption or self-deception
An abyss of disgrace

Redemption or self-deception
A subtle US warning for Abe

If indeed Abe wants redemption, he should pray for the souls of the victims of Japanese aggression, establish official compensation funds for them and return to the rightful owners the treasures and cultural relics looted from countries and people.

But Abe doesn't seem interested in reconciliation. And if he continues to ride roughshod over all sane advice, he will end up jeopardizing the Barack Obama administration's "pivot to Asia" policy and pose a serious threat to regional peace and prosperity.

Nevertheless, we still hope Abe will stop his game of self-deception and admit that there is a dispute with China over the Diaoyu Islands and hold talks to resolve it. As Steffen Seibert, spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said, "all nations must honestly live up to their role in the horrible events of the 20th century. Only on the basis of this honest accounting is it possible to build a future with former foes".

Since Abe and his cohorts have started questioning the validity of the Tokyo Trials and are trying to revise Japan's wartime history, countries like China and the ROK should come together to oppose their evil designs. To begin with, China and the ROK should propose a memorial day for the victims of World War II in the Asia-Pacific region, because once such a memorial is built Abe can no longer stuff his ears to avoid listening to the true song of redemption.

The author is a lecturer at the University of Hawaii.

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