Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Reshaping the world economy through reform, opening-up and cooperation

By Li Keqiang (China Daily) Updated: 2014-01-24 07:13

To reshape the world economy, it is important to institute and improve an open, cooperative and win-win global economic and trade system. The international community should continue to work toward diversity, openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit, and uphold the post-World War II international political order and the world environment for peace. It should enable the multilateral trading framework with the World Trade Organization at the centre to play a more positive role. It should explore regional trade arrangements in various forms, and resolutely reject trade and investment protectionism. China maintains that economies at different development levels and phases should embrace the spirit of solidarity in difficult times, discard zero-sum practices, and join hands to meet common challenges. Developed and emerging economies in particular should bring out their respective strengths to drive global economic growth, by acting as the "double engines" of the global economy, reinforcing and benefiting each other. This way, we will open up a new prospect of economic globalization featuring win-win cooperation.

The international situation is stable on the whole. And the world faces both new opportunities and many challenges for peace and development. China, as a responsible major country, will be firmly committed to the path of peaceful development, make greater contribution to expanding the common interests of mankind, and play a constructive role in advancing the lofty cause of world peace and development.

China will be steadfast in its pursuit of modernization. We look forward to closer cooperation with other countries so as to move the world economy out of the dark shadows of the international financial crisis as soon as we can and bring it onto a broad and bright path of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is held in winter. What it heralds, though, is spring, which will not be far behind.

(China Daily 01/24/2014 page8)

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