Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Terrorists are enemy to all

By Shi Lan (China Daily) Updated: 2013-11-02 07:20

"Terrorism is an international enemy, and many nations' armies have been tasked with the mission of anti-terrorism," said spokesman Yang Yujun.

But to effectively curb terrorism, it is important to identify the leading force behind it. As more people have realized that terrorism is a common foe, some extremist groups that do not want to lose their influence and appeal have tried to connect their terrorist activities with certain religions and ethnic groups. The extremists think that by doing so they can dress their criminal activities in the cloaks of democracy and liberty.

Of these the most typical is East Turkistan Islamic Movement, which planned the Monday attack.

Their efforts are doomed to fail. After the attack, neighboring countries, which also suffer from the violent acts of the same terrorist groups, offered China helping hands.

On Thursday, Meng Jianzhu, secretary of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited the Executive Committee of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Regional Counterterrorism Structure in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He informed them about the attack and they offered the other SCO members' support in fighting terrorism.

The terrorists failed to win any sympathy from Western countries as well. On Wednesday, French President Francois Hollande received Wang Yi, the visiting Chinese foreign minister. He condemned the attack and offered the French people's condolences to the victims.

Terrorist attacks might cause certain losses but their intention of curbing China's development will never be realized. On the contrary, the coming Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee will show the world a more confident China, ready to welcome further reform and better development.

China's further development needs the cooperation of all its residents and will benefit all people in the country, whatever their ethnicity. Terrorist, separatist and extremist groups are not only a common foe to all peace-loving countries in the world, but also an enemy to their own ethnic groups, too. They should give up their folly.

The author is a researcher of Middle Asia Institute affiliated to the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences.

(China Daily 11/02/2013 page5)

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