Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

China and India jointly enter new era

By Qi Li (China Daily) Updated: 2013-10-30 06:58

Because of the unresolved border issue, it used to be common for international observers to make skeptical judgments about relations between China and India and the so-called rivalry between the two Asian powers. But now they are having to rapidly readjust their views.

The three-day visit by the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Beijing last week was by any standard a significant and fruitful one. The Joint Statement the two countries issued unequivocally illustrated an encouraging picture of fast developing bilateral relations and the level to which the two neighbors and world's most populous nations are ready to enhance their relations.

China and India jointly enter new era

Premier Li Keqiang (right) and visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh attend a media session at the Great Hall of the People in Beiing on Oct 23, 2013. Wu Zhiyi / China Daily

In their statement, aside from the agreements on economic cooperation, the countries emphasized the strategic nature of their partnership, as demonstrated by the Border Defense Cooperation Agreement and the arrangements for joint military exercises.

Their political will and determination to strengthen strategic ties was not just embodied in the formal document, but also apparent in the cordial reception offered by the host Premier Li Keqiang, who accompanied his Indian guest on a relaxed tour of the Forbidden City.

The visit was symbolic, as the historical and cultural associations of the imperial palace was a reminder of the fact that both China and India are great civilizations, with the wisdom and vitality to enable them to march confidently into the future together.

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