Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Consolidating China-Pakistan friendship

By Du Youkang (China Daily) Updated: 2013-05-24 07:15

Fortunately, the development of bilateral relations is facing a new historic opportunity as the two sides have agreed on a long-term plan for an economic corridor to further connect the central and western parts of China with Pakistan. China is now making efforts to speed up its economic restructuring, transform its development model and improve its independent innovation capability to ensure more balanced and sustainable development of the Chinese economy and it is fully implementing the strategy of development in its western region and expanding westward opening-up.

Meanwhile, Pakistan is in a crucial stage of political, economic and social development. Due to the influence of the war on terrorism, severe floods and other adverse factors in recent years, the Pakistani economy has grown slowly and the domestic public security situation is yet to improve. So revitalizing the struggling economy and maintaining social stability are the priorities for the new Pakistani government. In this regard, as they are "good brothers", China will go all out to support Islamabad's efforts to develop Pakistan's economy.

On the other hand, both China and Pakistan need a peaceful, stable and secure surrounding environment to ensure fast socio-economic development and improvements in people's livelihoods. However, terrorism, religious extremism and separatism continue to seriously undermine the region's economic development and social stability. In particular, Pakistan, which remains in the forefront of global counterterrorism efforts, has paid a heavy price in the fight against terrorism.

With the complete withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan pending, the prospects for the counterterrorism campaign in South Asia are uncertain. So China and Pakistan need to maintain communication, strengthen consultation, deepen cooperation and support each other in dealing with the challenges of terrorism and the Afghan issue.

May 21 marked the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations. The older generations of leaders of the two countries laid the foundations for healthy China-Pakistan relations, which have now developed into an all-weather, comprehensive strategic partnership. Premier Li's official visit to Pakistan will help the two countries strengthen their friendship under their new leaders.

The author is a professor and director of the Pakistan Study Centre, Fudan University.

(China Daily 05/24/2013 page8)

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