Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Turning blueprints into reality

By Yu Sui (China Daily) Updated: 2012-12-10 07:54
At the beginning of the founding of New China, we followed the example of the Soviet socialist model. China then experienced repeated setbacks in its exploration of the way forward. But drawing on the lessons of experience, China carried out the policy of reform and opening-up according to China's national conditions and characteristics of the times and has followed the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China would like to draw on the achievements of human civilization, including those created during the stage of capitalism, rather than rejecting them. The "China model" is not the so-called Beijing Consensus and will not be imposed on others. Under the leadership of the CPC, Chinese people are making great strides toward the grand goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Xi has urged all Party members to firmly keep in mind that lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks, and only development makes a nation strong. This has been a common feeling of the Chinese people for generations. Chinese people have painful memories of being bullied and trampled over. Indeed, we've never been closer to the goal of rejuvenation. But China's prosperity is also good for the world as a whole.

China will never seek hegemony or expansionism, Xi said. That a strong power is bound to seek hegemony is the stereotype forged by the aggression and expansion of the imperialist powers and it definitely does not apply to socialist China. China's rise will contribute to world peace and stability. The "China threat theory" is a ridiculous, unfounded argument put forward to serve the agenda of others.

"Looking toward the future, all the Party's comrades have to keep in mind that it will take a long time to turn blueprints into reality and it will be long, hard work," Xi said. Every Chinese individual's future is closely connected with that of the nation. To realize the great renewal of the Chinese nation is the great dream of every Chinese person.

To realize the Chinese Dream, Chinese people should take the great national spirit, with patriotism as the core, as the consensus and bottom line. Now we need to work with perseverance in a down-to-earth way.

The author is a researcher with the China Center of Contemporary World Studies.

(China Daily 12/10/2012 page8)

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