Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Hand in hand for better future

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-08-07 08:09

Q3. In recent years, China has stressed the need to enhance connectivity with ASEAN. Could you update us on the progress of China-ASEAN connectivity and major initiatives for the next stage?

Fu: Achieving connectivity within ASEAN and between China and ASEAN is vital for our efforts to narrow the regional development gap, improve competitiveness, and accelerate regional integration in East Asia. In recent years, leaders of both sides have repeatedly emphasized the need to advance connectivity as a key priority area for China-ASEAN cooperation. This has led to the formulation of a Strategic Plan for China-ASEAN Transport Cooperation and major progress in China-ASEAN connectivity, such as in terms of the Kunming-Bangkok Highway, the Trans-Asian Railway, more flight links, and the beginning of maritime connectivity cooperation.

China has made much effort to build the Kunming-Bangkok Highway. Apart from completing our own section with high quality, we provided assistance for the construction of the Laos section and the cross-Mekong Chiang Khong-Huay Xai Bridge. Last year, the foreign ministers of China and ASEAN jointly inspected the Kunming-Bangkok Highway, and held a meeting with the theme of connectivity in Kunming.

In addition, China has also actively supported the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity and participated in connectivity projects, including road, railway, water, electricity, communications and other fields in various ASEAN member states.

As ASEAN's close neighbor and strategic partner, China is committed to comprehensive, in-depth and strategic connectivity between the two sides. China is preparing to establish a China-ASEAN Committee on Connectivity Cooperation. In addition to connectivity on land, China is also ready to promote maritime connectivity with ASEAN by making full use of the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund and enhancing port and maritime transport cooperation between the two sides.

To that end, China will host a seminar on China-ASEAN maritime connectivity strategy in the second half of this year. Efforts will also be made to promote institutional and "soft" connectivity by improving trade facilitation, simplifying customs procedures, and strengthening inspection and quarantine. We are also looking to cooperate with ASEAN in increasing investment, cultivating partnerships between central and local governments and between the public and private sectors to facilitate joint financing of key projects.

Q4. The 45th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting held recently in Phnom Penh failed to issue a joint communiqu. What is your comment on some people's claim that Cambodia's support of China during the meeting was to blame for this failure?

Fu: The reason why the 45th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting was not able to issue a joint communiqu was because certain ASEAN claimants in the South China Sea tried to impose their own stands on the issue on ASEAN. Such acts go against the important consensus reached by China and ASEAN member states in the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and were opposed by most ASEAN member states during recent meetings.

It is understood that during the meetings many ASEAN countries tried very hard at communication, coordination and persuasion. Yet the insistence of certain countries to stick to their own positions meant that eventually ASEAN was not able to issue the joint communiqu. This was not a situation the Chinese side had wanted to see.

China's sovereignty over Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters has solid and abundant historical and legal basis. China has advocated shelving disputes and going for common development in the South China Sea pending a final resolution. The South China Sea is not an issue between ASEAN and China, but rather between China and relevant ASEAN countries. China has consistently stood for resolving the issue through friendly negotiations between sovereign countries directly concerned on the basis of historical facts and universally recognized international law.

The DOC signed by China and ASEAN countries a decade ago clearly says that parties should "resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, ... through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign states directly concerned".

China hopes that all ASEAN member states will join China in working for a comprehensive and effective implementation of the DOC. This will contribute to mutual trust and cooperation between China and ASEAN, to peace and stability in the South China Sea, and to the healthy and stable growth of China-ASEAN relations.

China is also ready to enter into discussions with ASEAN member states on a code of conduct on the South China Sea when conditions are ripe. As for the issues between China and the Philippines and Vietnam respectively, China is committed to properly managing and tackling them through friendly consultations and not letting these differences affect the larger interest of bilateral relations and China-ASEAN relations as a whole.

In the 21 years since the establishment of their dialogue partnership, China and ASEAN have seen healthy, stable and fast development of their relations, thanks to their joint adherence to the spirit of mutual respect and win-win principle. This has not only benefited China and ASEAN, but also made important contributions to peace in and stability and prosperity of East Asia.

As the global economy remains overshadowed by the global financial crisis, and the regional economy faces heightened challenges, China and ASEAN have more reasons to focus on development and cooperation. China remains committed to working together with ASEAN to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability and promote sustained and healthy development of China-ASEAN relations.

Q5. What are the prospects for China-ASEAN relations? What are the priority areas for cooperation between the two sides?

Fu: It has been China's foreign policy priority to strengthen good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with ASEAN. As the world economic outlook remains uncertain, China and ASEAN have the common task of promoting regional economic integration and enhancing internally driven growth in East Asia. As close neighbors and strategic partners, China and ASEAN should work together in the spirit of solidarity and good-neighborly friendship to strengthen strategic communication and practical cooperation and advance our shared interest.

Under the joint efforts of both sides, China-ASEAN relations have entered a stage of mature and comprehensive development in broader areas and at higher levels than ever before. The China-ASEAN Commemorative Summit marking the 20th anniversary of dialogue relations held last year and the Joint Statement of the Summit set out a comprehensive plan for the development of our relations, including a series of medium- to long-term goals of cooperation between the two sides.

China is ready to work with ASEAN to enhance mutual trust, implement the second five-year Plan of Action and strengthen cooperation in Free Trade Agreement, connectivity, maritime cooperation, and social and cultural fields. This will not only help raise China-ASEAN strategic partnership to a new level, but also make China-ASEAN cooperation better serve the interest of sustainable development of both sides, bring more benefits to our peoples and contribute more to peace, stability and prosperity of our region.

(China Daily 08/07/2012 page8)

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