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China is committed to path of peaceful development

(China Daily) Updated: 2011-09-16 08:01

China is committed to path of peaceful development

Seventh, China's path of peaceful development involves more than China itself, and it needs the understanding, support and cooperation of the international community. China's path of peaceful development has rich scientific contents and bears distinct features of the times. It is a path that will lead the Chinese people to prosperity and peace, and it is widely supported by the people and shows a bright prospect. What has happened proved that such a path is workable. Peaceful development of China makes an important part of peaceful development of the world. General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in his speech at the meeting commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China that the CPC and the Chinese people have always been a positive force for promoting world peace and development. The CPC and the Chinese people have long made a solemn commitment to contribute their due share to human progress. Adherence to the path of peaceful development by China, the largest developing country on Earth, is in itself a tremendous contribution to peace and development of humankind. Undoubtedly, the peaceful development of China, an unprecedented and great exploration and practice in human history that involves one-fifth of the world's population and benefits the Chinese people and people around the world, cannot be achieved without the understanding, support and cooperation of the international community. China owes much of its achievement to the long-term friendly cooperation of other countries. And China will continue to count on the sympathy, understanding, support and cooperation of the international community as it confronts future difficulties and problems. The 21st century should be a century of peace, development and cooperation. China has always adhered to the principles of peace, development and cooperation in handling its relations with the outside world. China has always been an important and responsible member, a constructive force and a trustworthy partner of the international community. For the world, development of China is a blessing, not a misfortune. It means an opportunity, not a threat or challenge. We sincerely hope that the international community will better appreciate China's thousands of years of civilization and tradition as well as the historical evolution of China's social and political system and mainstream values. It is important that the international community respects the emphasis and value placed by the Chinese people, who have suffered heavily in the past, on state sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and social stability, respects China's core interest and concerns and understands China's need, as the largest developing country, to gradually solve the various difficulties in development. The international community should have confidence in the sincerity and resolve of the Chinese people in following the path of peaceful development. It should sincerely welcome it and not worry about it. It should support it and not raise obstacles against it.

China's strategic intention for peaceful development is transparent, the goal it pursues is lofty, and its policies are clear-cut. The attitude of China is sincere, its determination is firm and what China says will be honored. We are deeply aware that this path of peaceful development will not be plane sailing. Yet, standing united and defying all difficulties, the Chinese people will stick to the path of peaceful development from generation to generation in a modest and prudent manner, for such is a path that will bring benefits to us, to our children and to the entire human race.

(China Daily 09/16/2011 page9)

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