China / Life

Spring sensations

[2017-04-25 06:51]

No time of year inspires chefs to create seasonal menus like spring does. That first warmth, the shaking off of winter doldrums, the vision of tiny green shoots emerging from the soil all lead to produce markets bursting with some of the tastiest morsels of the year.

Cookbook author finds the magic in vegetables

[2017-04-25 06:51]

When she moved from Singapore to Seattle for college, Patricia Tanumihardja says, she was "shocked to learn that many of the fresh fruits and vegetables I had taken for granted back home were hard to come by."

Francophile's club

[2017-04-25 06:51]

A window into France, the annual Croisements ("crossing") festival has grown into one of the biggest foreign cultural events in China since its launch in 2006.

Japan's ballet troupe coming to China with The White-Haired Girl

[2017-04-25 06:51]

In 1945, The White-Haired Girl premiered in Yan'an, a revolutionary base in Northwest China, as an original Chinese opera, causing a sensation.

Soulful sissi

[2017-04-24 06:53]

The Austrian film Sissi, based on the legendary life of Empress Elisabeth, became popular in China after it was screened here in the 1980s.

Old Japanese musical being revived in China with tour

[2017-04-24 06:53]

When Zhao Yongbin began to study musicals as a major at the Beijing-based Central Academy of Drama in 1995, he did not know what musicals were.

Music alliance celebrates Silk Road

[2017-04-24 06:53]

The first conference of the Music Education Alliance Across the Silk Road will be held at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing from May 5 to 7, says Yu Feng, president of the school.

Peking Opera on big screen

[2017-04-21 07:11]

For two days in a row recently, Peking Opera master Du Jinfang used a hearing aid to listen to speeches about the struggling art form at the ongoing 7th Beijing International Film Festival. After the speeches, the 85-year-old artist was a bit tired, but she was excited about the progress made by the Peking Opera Film Project, which brings together top opera companies and movie studios to convert classic shows into feature-length movies.

US expo to give fresh impetus to coproductions with China

[2017-04-21 07:11]

The fourth annual US-China Film & TV Industry Expo will be held in Los Angeles in October, it was announced on Wednesday at the ongoing Beijing International Film Festival.

Jackie Chan set to thrill children

[2017-04-21 07:11]

It is an issue that bothers most celebrities - how to stay young forever on the silver screen.

Return of the cheese man

[2017-04-21 07:11]

When I first encountered the cumin-flavored variety of Marc de Ruiter's Gouda, I suspected he was making cheese "with Chinese characteristics".

Can prosecco help Italy unlock China wine market?

[2017-04-21 07:11]

VERONA, Italy-On paper it seems as obvious a pairing as a glass of spicy gewurztraminer with crispy duck and pancakes.

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