China / China

Car-sharing Will Help Drive A Better Future

[2017-08-15 09:39]

As bike-sharing booms in China, a guideline was released to promote a new form of the sharing economy - this time involving vehicles.

Policy digest

[2017-08-15 09:39]

Lhasa's development program gets green light

Ministries address public concerns

[2017-08-15 09:39]

Various issues of general interest were discussed with permit systems, tackling poverty, aviation and education taking the lead.

Woman has body frozen for future

[2017-08-15 09:39]

The first cryonics procedure in China for an entire body has taken place in Shandong province, the Yinfeng Life Science Foundation said on Monday.

Irresponsible dog owners to face fines

[2017-08-15 09:39]

Dog owners in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, will be punished if their pets are found without registration or in violation of management rules, according to the city's police authority.

In Beijing, swipe phone, board subway

[2017-08-15 09:39]

Passengers with an Android phone in Beijing can now swipe their phones to board the subway.

Chinese scientists probe unexplored Pacific seamount

[2017-08-15 09:39]

ABOARD KEXUE - Chinese scientists began exploring a seamount called Caroline in the western Pacific Ocean for the first time on Monday, using a remotely operated diving vehicle to take measurements, record videos and collect samples.

Lung cancer rising, but not from smoking

[2017-08-11 08:22]

Chinese health authorities are trying to figure out the reason for the rapid rise in a form of lung cancer that develops deep in the lung and is not associated with smoking.

Flu bug beginning to retreat in Guangdong

[2017-08-11 08:22]

The incidence of flu has remained stable in most parts of South China since the beginning of summer, compared with the previous three years, China's top health authority said on Thursday.

Banna the elephant recovers from heatstroke

[2017-08-11 08:22]

Banna the elephant, a star attraction at the Shanghai Zoo, suffered from heatstroke on Monday following a month of 35 C days in the city. However, the animal has been receiving medication and is improving, the zoo said on Thursday.

At museum, foreign guests learn PLA history

[2017-08-11 08:22]

An exhibition marking the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army, held in Beijing at the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, welcomed more than 400 foreign guests on Thursday.

Fitness guide offers healthy, safe exercise plans

[2017-08-11 08:22]

China's first National Fitness Guide, which was introduced on Thursday, is expected to provide sound and accessible guidance for the growing number of fitness enthusiasts nationwide.

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