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Online gaming trend hits Zhouzhuang


Online gaming trend hits Zhouzhuang

Zhouzhuang cooperates with the networking giant Tencent to launch the celebration for the first anniversary of the Tencent game Moonlight Blade on May 28. Performers dressed up in the ancient swordsman style to put on a cosplay show on stage. [Photo/Zhouzhuang.net]

Zhouzhuang, an ancient water town in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, cooperated with the networking giant Tencent to launch the celebration for the first anniversary of the Tencent game Moonlight Blade on May 28.

The game Moonlight Blade is a massive multiplayer online role playing game with its background set in the Chinese ancient swordsman era. The long history, elegant landscape, traditional architectural style, folk custom and unsophisticated atmosphere of Zhouzhuang coincide perfectly with the game's setting.

Hundreds of tourists and game enthusiasts crammed into the town on the day. Many expressed their appreciation for the town, which made them feel like they were transported to a world of martial arts. The celebration revealed several themed projects and game updates to be released.

The event is creative in form, integrating the popular online game with tourism. It has brought in brand new visitors as well as developed a new tourism market.