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The alcohol culture of Tianjin
| Updated: 2015-02-11 13:02:21 | By David Wong, Carmen King, Bryce Kulizokia (Jin Magazine) |


The alcohol culture of Tianjin is similar to the rest of northern China. First and foremost is white liquor. However, this trend may be changing although ever so slightly among what the Chinese call "eight zero after" and "nine zero after". These translated into Chinese means "born in the eighties" and "born in the nineties". These younger Chinese are in the process of establishing a new alcohol culture in Tianjin. Add to this the major changes in governmental policies as it relates to Chinese officials and "entertainment". In previous years, drinking white liquor in massive quantities was perhaps a common practice among some big wigs. However with the misappropriation of public and private funds being a very hot topic in all of China right now, the public partying has at least to some extent been curtailed.

White liquor is seldom drunk in reasonable quantities. With 40-60% alcohol volume it really doesn’t take much of the "jet fuel" to take off. The issue is such uncontrollable drinking in the context of business dealings, or in front of the public eye isn’t as cool as it used to be. With such, comes a slight redirection in Tianjin alcohol culture. Calmly sipping a glass of wine at a fine restaurant far more fits the part of a polished, well-educated, well-traveled executive or government leader. Far more relaxed yet in control is catching a few cold brews with buddies after work, rather than loudly shouting, laughing, and staggering around after a being filled up on "jet fuel".

When it comes to alcohol culture in Tianjin, expats should realize "what" they choose to drink will likely dictate to "who" they drink with. So too "who" expats are drinking with may well dictate "where" they go. Business in Tianjin is not without its social aspect. With social events likely comes drinking. Thus arrives the questions of what to drink and how much. Expats will perhaps be far more prone to drink less when compared with locals. Locals have as stated in the outset long since linked drinking absurd amounts of alcohol with goods times, prosperity, and close relationships. Therefore no matter what drink is drunk, should it be with locals, perhaps there is still the possibility that quantity will be on the high side, along with lots of toasting, and "bottoms up".

No doubt there will be many celebrations during the Spring Festival or other events that have liquor, but just remember to drink wisely and if you drink, don’t drive. Always make safety first your main objective, and think ahead by having a designated driver who will abstain from liquor or plan to take public transport or a taxi. There is always an alternative better than risking a fine and cancellation of your license and an accident. So enjoy the coming holidays and Xin Nian Kuai Le 新年快乐!


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