
Not music to my ears 2013-01-08
Is it just me that doesn’t get it? What is so funny about Gangnam Style? This song, as you probably know, has become the most watched YouTube video ever.
A 30-meter feast 2012-12-21
Tianjin artist Li Jin's recent solo show, titled Banquet Today, is a 30-meter-long scroll that include sseveral color ink-and-water paintings.
The return of a courtesan on stage 2012-12-18
Directed by Tian Qinxin and starring Liu Xiaoqing, the drama Fenghua Juedai (Unparalleled Beauty) by Tianjin People's Art Theater will return to Beijing for a third round from Jan 25-27 at the Tianqiao Theater.
Yangliuqing, a charming town with folk culture 2012-11-27
Yangliuqing, an ancient town in the west of northern China's Tianjin Municipality, is famous for its folk art.
Food tells who you are 2012-11-14
Though it's been a quite a while since I have been in the dating scene, for some reason the good people at JIN magazine have asked me to write an article about where to take a person for a first date.
Municipality's new architecture attracts millions of visitors 2012-11-06
The Tianjin Cultural Center, completed half a year ago with many buildings designed by international artists, has attracted 2.2 million visitors by the end of October.
Cosplay competition kicks off in Tianjin 2012-10-29
A cosplay enthusiast dressed as a Transformer poses at a cosplay competition at the National Animation Industry Park in north China's Tianjin Municipality.
In the name of art 2012-10-08
When I first came to China and saw a woman smoking I was shocked as it was not a common sight.
Somerset Moon Festival Celebration 2012-10-08
As a signature service of Somerset Tianjin, the Moon Festival celebration for 2012 was held at DK 1308, near the Haihe River.
Leveraging the cultural differences 2012-09-12
Although different cultural, religious and historical backgrounds make Asian and Western entrepreneurship different, they have the common goal of providing opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking value.

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