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Winemaker plans overseas buys to tap high demand
Dynasty Fine Wines Group plans to buy foreign vineyards to produce fine wines.
National non-material cultural heritage exhibition kicks off in China's Tianjin
The exhibition, which kicked off here on Wednesday, presented more than 70 items of China's non-material cultural heritage.
Binhai New Area
Eco-city poised for leading role
The coastal city of Tianjin aims to set a global benchmark for eco-cities, officials said on Tuesday.
First Chinese archway unveiled in Antwerp
( chinadaily.com.cn )

First Chinese archway unveiled in Antwerp

The first Chinese archway opens in Antwerp, the largest port city in Belgium, on Sept 29, 2010. [Photo/Xinhua]

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TIANJIN City of Glamour
4th Summer Davos starts in Tianjin
2010 Expo Tianjin Week kicks off