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Winemaker plans overseas buys to tap high demand
Dynasty Fine Wines Group plans to buy foreign vineyards to produce fine wines.
National non-material cultural heritage exhibition kicks off in China's Tianjin
The exhibition, which kicked off here on Wednesday, presented more than 70 items of China's non-material cultural heritage.
Binhai New Area
Eco-city poised for leading role
The coastal city of Tianjin aims to set a global benchmark for eco-cities, officials said on Tuesday.
First Chinese archway unveiled in Antwerp
( chinadaily.com.cn )

First Chinese archway unveiled in Antwerp
The first Chinese archway opens in Antwerp, the largest port city in Belgium, on Sept 29, 2010. The archway is designed by Tianjin Metallurgy Planning abd Design Institute.[Photo/Xinhua]

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TIANJIN City of Glamour
4th Summer Davos starts in Tianjin
2010 Expo Tianjin Week kicks off