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Global drillers now look east for rigs
Construction on the world's biggest ultra deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig with dual drilling towers began last week in Yantai, East China's Shandong province.
China’s largest yacht goes on sale
Pride Mega Yachts has announced the sale of its 88.8 meter super yacht, the largest ever built in China.
Star power publishing
Le Jia was about to launch his new book, his publisher decided to hold a public signing event in Beijing.
Jining popular among foreign investors

After eight years of building service-oriented and environmentally friendly communities, Jining has become a popular investment destination for the high-tech and service industries, a major change from its previous dependence on coal, said a senior official of Jining, Shandong province.

“Jining’s GDP has doubled during the past five years without increasing coal production,” said Mei Yonghong, mayor of Jining, a city that is among the top three coal bases in China.

“The high-tech and service industries have become the pillar industries of the city, thanks to the city’s efforts toward transforming the economic structure,” said Mei.

Jining popular among foreign investors

A testing center at the Jining hi-tech industrial development zone.[Photo by Zhao Ruixue/chinadaily.com.cn]

According to the city’s investment promotion office, Jining now has 45 projects funded by Fortune Global 500 multinational corporations. HP, for example, has set up branches in Jining’s high-tech industrial development zone with a total investment exceeding $2 billion, and Oracle Corp will open an Oracle-approved education center in the zone this October.

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09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island