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Global drillers now look east for rigs
Construction on the world's biggest ultra deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig with dual drilling towers began last week in Yantai, East China's Shandong province.
SDU awards honorary professorship to two foreigners
Goran K Hansson and Peter Libby were awarded honorary professorships by Shandong University on March 17.
Eight stories about my eight years in China
I had a flight from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Sydney, and I went from Jinan to Shanghai by train.
Ten parking lots set to serve the 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition

Ten parking lots set to serve the 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition

Seven parking lots for small vehicles and three parking lots for buses have been set up in Licang district

As a peripheral project, ten parking lots in the east of Licang district are under construction to serve the 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition. Seven parking lots for small vehicles and three parking lots for buses have been set up in Licang district to provide convenience for residents and visitors in and out of the Exposition Park, and to solve their parking problems.

The ten parking lots cover an area of 666 thousand square meters (sqm). Presently, the earth transportation work and ground leveling has been completed and more than 4000 parking lot pavements have been finished. The parking lots are expected to be operational before the Exposition's opening ceremony.

The seven small parking lots have 6,350 spaces for small vehicles:

The PC16 parking lot is situated south of Tianshui road, north of Guangshui road, west of Tongchuan road, and covers an area of 73 thousand sqm, while offering 1,200 parking spaces.

PC17 is positioned south of Tianshui road, north of Guangshui road, east of Tongchuan road, and covers an area of 56 thousand sqm, while offering 1,200 parking spaces.

PC19 is situated south of Guangshui road, north of Heshui road, and west of Tongchuan road, and covers an area of 30 thousand sqm, while offering 540 parking spaces.

Maogongdi parking lot is south of Huishui road, north of Xishui road, east of Binchuan road, and

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
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