Players are warmming up before the competiton. Photo by Wang Qian.
More than 60 of China's leading skaters from 13 teams competed at the 2011 National Road Roller Skating Competition on Saturday and Sunday. The contest was held in Haiyang in East China's Shandong province.
The two-day competition featured four events: a 200-meter time trial, 500-meter time trial, 10,000-meter point race and 20,000-meter point race. With similar venues and racing requirements, the event serves as a qualifying trial for the Third Asian Beach Games in Haiyang in 2012.
"The playing field is smooth and easy for skating. I hope I can do my best here," Yin Kaiwen, a 12-year-old member of a roller skating club in Beijing, said. she began skating at the age of 4, and won first prize at the 2011 International Track Roller Skating Competition in Haining in Zhejiang province.
Skaters competing with each other in 10000-m point race. Photo by Wang Qian.